Top 10 Tuesday: Series I haven't finished...

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by the team over at Broke and the Bookish! Leave a link to your Top 10 below!

Top 10 Series that are finished, but I haven't finished...

1. Delirium by Lauren Oliver - The 1st book was one that I didn't like at first, but then it festered in my mind and dreams for weeks until I realized that it was absolutely brilliant because of that! It's ridiculous that I haven't finished the series. I own them all, and even have a quote from the first book on my back! 

2. Glitch by Heather Anastasiu - I loved the first book, and own the rest but again haven't finished them yet. 

3. Revenants by Amy Plum - I LOVE this series and I think I'm just chicken to finish it because then it will all be over. :( Seriously, when people were raving about Twilight I thought they were crazy because this series is 10X better then that one!

4. Legend by Marie Lu - I listened to this 1st book as an audiobook until I couldn't handle the slowness and then read the last few chapters in my book I owned too. It was great, but I was a bit over these type of books at that moment. I will certainly need to finish it sometime.

5. The Cahill Witch Chronicles by Jessica Spotswood - I LOVE this series and again I think am just chicken to finish because what if the people I love in it don't all make it!? I really need to suck it up and just read it!

6. Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard - The first book in this series was great and I really want to finish this one soon because the more I read Steampunk, the more I realize that this series was fantastic compared to others!

7. Graceling Realm by Kristin Cashore - This series is UNREAL!! It's so dang good! Once again I think I'm just stalling on the ending of this series because of its amazingness that I do not want to end.

8. House of Night by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast - This is a fun, soap opera-like series that is addictive but not very deep. I've read most of these but finally stopped and decided to finish them when the series was finished since they are ridiculously short with terrible cliffhangers for each one. They could certainly have gone with half the books easily but apparently want to drain us all of our money instead. 

9. Frontier Magic by Patricia Wrede - I read this 1st book so long ago that I'll surely have to reread it before getting the other 2. I LOVED the first book though! It was the first time I had read a historical fantasy that was an alteration of our own history in this country. It blew me away! I must read more about Eff sometime!

10. The Demon Trappers by Jana Oliver - I LOVED this first book and cannot wait to finish the series, but I'm cheap and keep hoping the eBooks will go on sale but they don't. Poo! I'll just have to suck it up and buy them all!

What's on your Top 10 this week?


  1. I really enjoyed the first Demon Trapper's Daughter and would like to finish the series. I will probably have to re-read the first one though. Great list.

  2. I have read none of these lol. More books to add to my out of control TBR list ;) My TTT

    1. That is exactly what happens to me when I'm scrolling through other lists too!

  3. I'm with you on Delirium and Legend. I liked the first Delirium book, but just never continued the series. I only have the last book to go for Legend. Not sure why I have n't just finished the series already. Who knows?

    Happy TTT!

  4. I have the first book of Revenants, Die For Me and I was kind of unsure about it as I got it in a blind book swap but I've seen the series on a few lists today and like you, people have said they really enjoyed it, so that's made me a little more excited for it. The Graceling Realm series is on my TBR, I have the first book, Graceling, I just haven't read it yet!
    My TTT:

  5. About 1/2 of these series are on my TBR, but shockingly I have yet to read any of them! A few are on my shelfes waiting though. Happy Reading!

    Here's My TTT

  6. I have only read the Delirium trilogy out of all these. I loved Delirium but the other two books weren't as good as the first. A lot of people hated them but I thought they were OK.


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