Review: Salt by Danielle Elison

Author: Danielle Ellison
Series: Salt, Book 1
Release date: May 1, 2014
Published by: Entangled Teen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Penelope has been keeping a secret since she was little...a BIG one. A demon killed her parents and stole her magic when she was young and ever since then she has been borrowing from her family members when they are nearby just to hide that she isn't a Static. To ensure that she can stay within the Witch community. Why? Because Penelope has a plan. She is going to become an Enforcer, then figure out which demon stole her magic, track it down, and take back her magic. That's the plan. Then there's Carter...and things begin to change...

My thoughts: I LOVED THIS! A MUST READ! This was fun, and mysterious, and different but also similar to another series that I absolute LOVE, Rachel Hawkins' Hex Hall series. I loved the action, the romance, the training, the funny references to Harry Potter! This was just SO FUN! It was the total package!

The characters of Penelope, her sister Connie and her grandparents are done so nicely as a family unit. You really believe in them as a family which is something that I don't always feel with families in a book. But these were so great! I especially loved the grandfather. What a sweetie! Now Carter was such a great dreamy, but also kick-butt character at the same time! Plus that twist! I have to say that I completely saw it coming, but I didn't even care for some reason! I was fine with it because it was SO PERFECT! I was all, "YES!!!" LOL! I might have even jumped put of my chair allegedly. hehe!

Ok, those demons were just too gross! I loved it. Plus, I loved how snarky they were and saying how "this isn't Buffy" was great! Haha! The melting off of skin, and the way they wore people's skins was gross but not overly so which I was ok with when I'm not completely into horror.

Last thoughts: I read this one in one giant gulp of ONE DAY! :D That means FANTASTIC!!! I WANT THE NEXT BOOK! Where is it? AHHH! It's not on Goodreads! Now I'm pouting! :( Darn it! Seriously though, I love this so much that even though I have this on my Nook I'm going to go out and BUY THIS for my bookshelves if I can find it somewhere! I'm hunting it down!!!

View all my reviews


  1. This sounds fantastic, I have had this on my TBR for a while. I really really enjoyed the Hex Hall series so to hear that it is similar yet different is great to hear!

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert


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