Top 10 Tuesday #20 - Bookish Confessions...

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by the team over at Broke and the Bookish! Leave a link to your Top 10 below!

Top 10 Bookish Confessions...

1. I counted and I have over 90 books on my shelves (real and virtual) that I still need to read. Yet, just last week, I went to the bookstore and bought three more. (Clearly, I have an addiction--hehe!) ~Rachel

2. I am TERRIBLE about returning books to the public library! I know! How ridiculous is it that I'm a librarian and can't return books to other libraries on time!? We don't even check them out from the public library anymore because we always end up with fines! Only books from school now.  ~Ange

3. I have trouble getting rid of books that I thought were "good" but not "great". This is a problem because I am out of shelf, wall, floor, you-name-it space for any new books. ~Rachel

4. I am a slow reader! Oh so slow! I don't know if it's because I'm so distracted all the time or that my life seems to move a mach speed, but I watch others read so fast it makes me want to cry! ~Ange 

5. When I was little, my siblings and I would play "library". So we'd take down a whole bunch of my parents books from the shelves and "check them out"; unfortunately, we never re-shelved. We were horrible librarians. ~Rachel

6. I can't stop watching and loving books made into movies. ~Ange

7. Even though Persuasion is my all-time favorite classic book, I'd rather watch the movie (the 1995 BBC version!) than re-read the book. ~Rachel

8. I adore the Twilight books! I can read them over and over and over! After I read the series each time I can't even describe how wonderful and floating I feel! I mean I'm a grown stinking woman, family and all! What the heck!? ~Ange
9. When I'm reading books for book club, I have no hesitation about scribbling my thoughts all over the books. ~Rachel

10. I don't read the book club books! I believe I literally read 2 of the books we were supposed to read for book club last year! Rather naughty for a librarian wouldn't you say!? Oops! hehe! ~Ange

What's on your Top 10 this week?


  1. I suck at returning library books as well!

    Glad to know one is not alone!

    -Marybeth P.

  2. It is a funny not want to read "required books" for book club. I think that students feel the same way about required books.

  3. Nice list.
    Do not feel bad about no. 1. Many, many of us readers are in a worse situation. I have around 800, and this is not a boast. It's a lament.
    No. 2: I'm that way too. Fortunately the library system here now automatically sends a warning email 2 days before the expiry date, which has saved me a considerable sum of money in late fees.

  4. I'm sad to say I wish my number was JUST 90 unread. LOL!

  5. Don't worry.. 90 is a pretty low number compared to mine, haha :')

    My top 10 Tuesday.

  6. I too forget to return books, the sad part is I just have to bring them to work with me and can't seem to remember to put them in my work bag. But I always remember my coffee!

    1. Haha, that makes me feel a bit better & ditto on the coffee!

    2. Then let me just say today's coffee is delicious pumpkin spiced coffee....and I forgot a book at home but it's not due until next week.

  7. I'm a really slow reader, too. Also, I work in a library as well, but I still manage to accrue fines. I am at the library 5 days a week, and I forget to bring my books back.

  8. I'm so with Rachel on #1 and #3, and with Ange on #4! I've only read 38 books so far this year and I know bloggers who are getting close to 200! I wish I could at least read like 2-3 books a week and I'd be happy! Great list, ladies!

    1. Me too Andrea!! I do seem to read faster and stay more focused on eBooks on my iPad or NOOK for some reason but I only have NetGalleys or eBooks I purchased under $5 on there. Which means I have tons of beautiful books in print pouting on my shelves!

  9. Goodreads say's I've read 92 books so far this year, but I'm well over 100. There are books I didn't track on there for different reasons - didn't want to admit to reading it, forgot, kids books I pick up and read in 2 minutes at work or books I'm rereading.

    1. I love it when my girls ask to do a review of one of their new library books, because it makes me feel so good about getting a couple books read so quickly! LOL! Picture books raise my self esteem! :D

    2. The last one I read was "I Know a Librarian Who Chewed on a Word" by Laurie Knowlton. So Cute!


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