Top 10 Tuesday #11- Books We Would Play Hooky with...

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by the team over at Broke and the Bookish! Leave a link to your Top 10 below!

Top 10 Books We Would Play Hooky with....

1. Listen for Rachel by Lou Kassem- I know, I know - it has my name in it so of course I'd like it ;) However, I found this book when I was in junior high. I read it many, many, many times - the cover is in tragic condition. I still read it about once a year, but I handle it very carefully because I don't think it's in print any more! I love reading the story of Rachel, a 15-year-old Tennessee girl who has to stand up for herself as her family tries to get her interested in marriage while she is interested in becoming a doctor during the civil war era. If you read it, please keep in mind it is targeted for MG girls. (Rachel)

2. The Steampunk Chronicles by Kady Cross- I just can't get enough of these books full of kick-butt, action, adventure and mystery! PLUS, there's the connections to so many classic syfy/horror novels which just hook me every time! (Ange)

3. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson- So sad yet so powerful! It begins with a rape and ends with a girl who realizes that her words have power - she must speak. Who wouldn't want to spend a day tucked away from the world to read that? (Rachel)

4. The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer- The beautiful romance, the familiarity to every fear and silly insecurity that any girl or woman has on a regular basis, the world of vampires and werewolves, the girl who loves books...and the nature, nature, nature! There is just so much I love about these! They are my escape from the blah of every day life just when it's needed. I always get that fabulous euphoric feeling after finishing the series. (Ange)

5. Gilead by Marilynne RobinsonCongregationalist minister John Ames tells his story through a letter written to his very young son. It is a story about life and the generations that come before and after you. It is about how you may misunderstand your parents and their decisions. The first lines of the book are what draw me in every time, "I told you last night that I might be gone sometime, and you said, Where, and I said, To be with the Good Lord, and you said, Why, and I said, Because I'm old, and you said, I don't think you're old." When I want to spend a day reflecting, this is the book I pick up and read. (Rachel)

6. The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer- I love the classics and this one is just one of my all time favorites! Are you kidding me!? There's romance, there's adventure, there's bawdiness and just plain fun! PLUS, I can completely picture Chaucer as he is in the movie A Knight's Tale FOREVER! He's SO perfect in it! (Ange)

7. The Girls by Lori Lansens- Ruby and Rose are 29-year-old conjoined twins. The story starts with them telling you that most twins like them don't live past 30, so you know right away this won't end happily! I love how the author has every other chapter written from the opposite girl's perspective. I felt like Ruby and Rose were my friends or my sisters by the time I finished because they were so real to me, just after the first couple chapters. You will really enjoy the story - if their life as Rose convinces Ruby to join her in writing their autobiography :) (Rachel)

8. Fire by Kristin Cashore- This is a brilliant story about a girl who literally fears who she is and what she can do. It's the journey and growth of this scared girl into the amazing and confident young woman at the end that gets me every time. Once I start reading it, that's it, don't even bother trying to interact with me! LOL! It is literally my 2nd favorite book ever! (Ange)

9. The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordon- or any of the books in this series! When I want to escape into a fun adventure, these are the books I pick up and read. Percy Jackson is the most humorous hero a person could meet, and that is what draws me into his story.  I figured I'd better pick one light-hearted book I'd play hooky for; otherwise you might think I'd only take a day off to be depressed! (Rachel)

10. Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlaine Harris- Ok, DO NOT judge the books by the ridiculous porno HBO series if you haven't tried these! Yes, Sookie has a few partners in the bedroom, but she's an adult and this is an adult, paranormal romance series. They are just SO stinking good and I love to just fly right through them! If you've never read them, what are you waiting for!? :) (Ange)

What's on your Top 10 this week?


  1. Sookie Stackhouse is awesome. I'm not a fan of the HBO series either - it confuses me. Great list.

  2. Yay for Twililight lol. They are on my top ten too and I loved The Girl in the Steele Corset.

  3. Hi there, just popping in... I've read great reviews about the Sookie series.

    I’m also your newest follower!

    :) Here is my choice...
    Top Ten Tuesday

  4. Gilead has been sitting on my shelf for years but I've never read it - my husband bought it before we met. I'm going to have to give it a go one day.

    I have a copy of The Girl In The Clockwork Collar to read too, I enjoyed the steampunk aspects of the last one.

    1. If you're in the mood for parent-child relationship reflection, Gilead is a great book! I also love many of the "I'm old-and-wise-and-about-to-die" comments the main character shares :)

  5. BIG fan of Percy Jackson and Fire!! Kristin Cashore is awesome, and ANY book by Rick Riordan is perfect for hooky days. So fun! :-)


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