Audiobook Review: All Fall Down

All Fall Down 
Author: Ally Carter
Series: Embassy Row, Book 1
Release date: January 20, 2015
Published by: Scholastic
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Grace is an adrenaline junkie who has been dragged from place to place as an Army brat over the years. She's also the granddaughter of a very powerful ambassador. Grace grew up exploring every corner of Embassy Row each summer visiting her grandfather. Now, when she has no where else to go, she's back to stay with him for good. Will she be able to fit back into Embassy Row? Or will she go completely off the planned itinerary about the past?

My thoughts: This was an interesting one, that I listened to back and forth to and from work. The twists and turns were full of intrigue that kept me listening to the end. Full of teen drama, angst and the pain of extreme loss. 

I had a hard time liking, or connecting with the main character of Grace. She was too teenager for me and did things that were the opposite of what was the best idea. Of course, it's written for teens so it will be interesting to see what my students think of it. I was also worried about the storyline since I kept getting closer and closer to the end and there wasn't any hint of clearing up the plot drama. Plus, the fact that the "country" they're in really isn't a country at all in real life really bothered me for some reason. I don't know what my deal was with that, but boy did it drive me nutty. Maybe it was a visualizing thing.

As for the audiobook: I liked the reading that was done. Her voice fit with the character very well and also did a great job with all of the accents too. The other thing I really liked was the speed at which she read the story which was nicely done. 

Conclusion: Good luck guessing the ending ahead of getting there! Wow are there ever twists and turns! I cannot wait to listen to book 2! I have to know what happens next! 

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