Top 10 Places Books Have Made Me Want to Visit...

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by the team over at Broke and the Bookish! Leave a link to your Top 10 below!

Top 10 Places Books Have Made Me Want to Visit...

1. Hogwarts from Harry Potter - there are so many places in that castle and on the grounds of that school that I would love to see with my own eyes. The movie gives a nice little taste, but it doesn't even begin to show ALL that Rowling tells us about. I especially want to see the kitchen for some reason, OH and the swamp that's leftover from the Weasley twins when they split! :P

2. Diagon Alley from Harry Potter - I know we get to see this too in the movies, but I'd like to really get to go there and be with the people. Wouldn't that be amazing!? I doubt I'll ever be able to afford the amusement park version, so I guess I'll just keep rereading the books.

3. London, England - Every time I read a book that takes place in London I desperately want to be there...Harry Potter, Steampunk Chronicles, Finishing School Series, The Dark Unwinding Series, The Friday Society, and more.

4. Ty's Underwater World - Kat Falls creates an amazing underwater world with farming, housing, and more. I would love to see that with my own eyes.

5. The Titanic - I've read so many of Clive Cussler's books and it would be amazing to actually see, or tour the Titanic after it was brought out of the water. Creepy though too like touring the fields of Gettysburg. 

6. Oz - I read so many of the original books, and they are amazing. I would love to go for a tour around the land of Oz. 

7. The Flying School/Dirigible - I would LOVE to see one of the flying dirigibles from Carriger's Finishing School books! Wouldn't that be amazing!? Especially the school itself! 

8. Paris, France - I have studied French for many years, and even majored in it for a bit. It would be amazing to visit there someday. Going to Paris is most certainly on my bucket list! I would LOVE to visit the places in some of my favorite books like Revolution, The Dispossessed, and The Revenants. 

9. St. Petersburg/Russia - I adore Robin Bridges' trilogy with Katerina Alexandrovna, and oh how I would love to see what that city looks like someday.

10. Leslie's world - Melissa Marr's world where the darkest faeries of nature and winter wander. Ink Exchange is my absolute favorite of ALL of the faerie books and Leslie's story as well. Oh how I'd love to spend just one day with her.

What's on your Top 10 this week?


  1. I saw a Titanic exhibit at a museum recently and it was a little eerie. It's amazing to see all of these artifacts that survived the sinking and the many years under the water and then compare that to the huge list of people who didn't survive. I would have loved to see the boat in all its glory before it set sail!

  2. Love your list. I decided to go with real locations which made the task arduous since I, apparently, don't read many books set in real locations. My TTT book locations

  3. Brilliant list! I love that fictional places are popping up on everyone's list. There are some amazing places out there.

  4. Amazing list! Hogwarts and Camp-Half Blood and Paris Hell yeas!!
    My TTT

    1. You made me giggle when I saw this last week and I should have said that right away. :) Thanks!

  5. Hgowarts and Paris is on my list as well. And I definitely want to visit Russia, but I totally forgot about it on my list. Awesome list. :)
    Here's my TTT

  6. Yes yes and yes to Hogwarts, London, and Paris. Such a good list!

  7. Ooh, clever with the Finishing School - I think it sounds awesome.
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

  8. I have Oz too! I'm glad to see someone else who has read past the first book. :) Those were some of my favorites growing up.

    1. Me too! They were so interesting, but were written during a time when they they didn't have to be much more than commercial stories in the "weeklies" and "children's books" were seen as a joke so they were for adults really.


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