Top 10 Tuesday #23 - Bookish People We Want to Meet...

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by the team over at Broke and the Bookish! Leave a link to your Top 10 below!

Top 10 Bookish People We Want to Meet...

My five people are chosen because I want to ask these authors questions...
1. Erin Morgenstern - I'd want to be in on her world creation brainstorming sessions. That circus is crazy awesome! 

2. Louise Rozett - Where did Rose come from? I feel like she is such a real-world character; she could pop right out of the book and be one of my students.

3. Katie McGarry - Echo and Noah--holy cow! Another author I want to ask about character inspiration. These ones are powerful, damaged but real - the perfect balance.

4. Rick Riordan - How do you keep your story lines straight? I'm imagining a very clear outline, but I'd be curious to know if he's a writer that doesn't outline because then I'm even more amazed that his Greek influenced adventures turn out just as they are supposed to :)

5. J.K. Rowling - Another long and detailed series I couldn't imagine keeping straight. How did you develop your story lines? Because when I re-read them, there are clues planted in the second book that play a role in the sixth...How did you do that?!?

My five are bloggers, authors and characters I desperately want to meet for a variety of different reasons...
6. Kady Cross - I would love to have coffee with her and hear her story about where she got the idea for her Steampunk Series that I ADORE!! It is spun off of all those beautifully dark and brilliant syfy (science-fiction) novels from the 1800's but it done SO perfectly! I want to leap inside them to be part of Finley's team SO badly!!!

7. Andye & Amy of - I am a huge fan of these two bloggers in so many ways! I love that they are teamed with their teen children which is something I hope to do someday. I love their blog; the design, the colors, their vlogs they used to do each week, which are one of the biggest reasons I decided to go "all in" on my blog finally this past year. I can't wait to meet them someday!

8. Kat Falls - this author has the most amazingly original fantasy series that takes place in the deepest parts of the ocean because the main characters are basically pioneers striking out into a new frontier where the only land opportunities are left... in the deep ocean. I'd love to know what it was that sparked her imagination to come up with this premise! It's such a brilliant series!

9. Giselle from Xpresso Reads - Giselle is a blogger that I also admire greatly not only for her blog, but for her kindness and patience as well. She has been very friendly and helpful from the very beginning when she certainly didn't have to be at all. Her blog rocks and has great content on a regular basis making her a superstar in my book who I can't wait to meet someday!

10. Finley Jayne - I know I already mentioned this series by Kady Cross, but it is seriously my FAVORITE SERIES EVER!!! Oh how I wish I could step into her world and join her crew of beautifully misfit crime-fighters! Plus, she's an absolutely kick-butt character! Exactly the type of person I love! Maybe Jerry Bruckheimer will one day take my advice and make movies of this series so I'll just to see her on screen...I'm sure he''ll get right on my tweeted suggestion! LOL!

What's on your Top 10 this week?


  1. I need to read The Night Circus- it seems to work it's way on at least one list a week.

  2. Aww thanks, chickie! You are the sweetest! I <3 you!

  3. I agree with the circus! :) Erin really created amazing world and she is also very kind and often answers on twitter. Considering how popular her book is, she is amazing! Of couse JK Rowling is great and she is on my list as well! :)

    Here is my TTT post

  4. Katie McGarry--good one! Ditto Giselle from Xpresso reads! Great list! Happy Tuesday! :D

    My TTT

  5. Erin Morgenstern is going to be at Anderson's Bookshop in Naperville on October 10!!! :)

    1. I know! Rachel really wants to go! Are you going?

  6. Andye and Amy are great gals you will love them once you meet them!!

    OUaT's TTT

  7. I got The Night Circus signed by Erin at BEA, but that's too brief a meeting to really count. I'd love to talk to her.

  8. There are so many people I would want to meet, and this was a hard list because of having to limit to ten! Here’s my TTT:

  9. Yes, I would love to hear all about Noah and Echo. Pushing the Limits - one of my fave books this year!!!

  10. I don't understand how I forgot Rick Riordan! I think he's so funny. And Erin Morgenstern! Shoot. Great list!


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