~Book 1~
Magic Under Glass Author: Jaclyn Dolamore
Release Date: August 28, 2010
Published by: Bloomsbury U.S.A. Children's Books
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Who wouldn’t enjoy a story that involves a piano-playing automaton who is actually a fairy prince?
Nimira originally moved to Lorinar to make her fortune but ends up singing at a theater as a trouser girl. She is offered a chance to improve her life, but she couldn’t have anticipated the world she would soon uncover. Nimira gets pulled into a world of intrigue when she is asked by a wealthy man to come to his home and sing with his recently purchased automaton.
Hollin Parry, the wealthy man, is a sorcerer who has secrets that need to be kept and, unfortunately, he is being manipulated by a powerful leader of the council of sorcerers. With a land dispute between Lorinar and the Fairies, war is on the horizon, and there are people who want to see peace and those who want to see war.
How will Nimira free Erris, the fairy prince trapped in an automaton’s clockwork body? And how will she keep him safe from the machinations of a wicked sorcerer?
This is a story for those who want to enjoy some magical adventures and work their way through political intrigue.
~Book 2~
Author: Jaclyn Dolamore
Release date: February 28, 2012
Published by: Bloomsbury U.S.A. Children's Books
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The second story begins after Nimira has managed to “free” Erris, sort-of, from his clockwork body. Unfortunately, there is some necromancer magic going on that involves Erris’ soul being alive within the clockwork frame, but he no longer has a body. Erris and Nimira have learned of a powerful necromancer who may know the answers to Erris’ problem, so they set out on a journey.
What they soon discover is a treat for Erris who believed all his royal family had been killed 30 years ago during the first war between Lorinar and the Fairies. It turns out that this necromancer had fallen in love with Erris’ sister, and together, they had a child!
This story is all about discovery (how to get a body for Erris), more intrigue (now that Erris is “alive”, his distant fairy relatives who took over the throne want him dead-dead), and romance (can Erris and Nimira’s love survive these confusing and tumultuous times?).
While this book’s adventure read a little slower than the first story, I still enjoyed the journey and was satisfied with the ending.
I Have Magic Under Glass, but will be getting Magic Under Stone this week.