Author: Holly Black
Release Date: March 22, 2011
Published by: McElderry
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
One touch from a Poison Eater and you will drop dead at her feet. Within 88 days of a bite from a Cold one you'll become so hungry for blood and warmth you will bite anyone nearby you. If you ever meet the Devil, be sure to be just as clever and cheating as he is or your soul will certainly be his. When dealing with an Elf who wants to curse you, be sure to wear gold. And most of all...don't keep your secrets or your secrets will keep eventually you...
My thoughts: This was a delicious break from the normalcy of life around me. I adored the darkness and pain that Holly Black turns into beautiful stories. I will freely admit that there were a couple that I was both completely turned off by and/or didn't "get" at all. On the other hand, there were many that I adored and will be reading again. In some of the stories you can almost see or feel the original Grimm's Fairytale that they blossomed from, and others are completely new and untouched stories like Coldtown. One of my favorites of course was The Land of Heart's Desires where I got to peek back in on all of my favorites from Black's Modern Faerie Tale series. Loved that series! So dark and raw and real while also completely fantasy!
My favorites: The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, The Night Market, The Coat of Stars, and The Land of Heart's Desire. My absolute favorite was The Night Market though. It made me think of the magic, beauty and love that seeped into my soul while reading Valiant (my favorite Holly Black book.)
If you're looking for something different, or don't have time for a full book right now then this is for you! It was great because I could read a story while I waited for a video to load on YOUTube or while the dryer was finishing up. This is why I love short story collections. Give them a try and let me know what you think. Which ones are your favorites?
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