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A Book of a Thousand Days
I wasn't sure about this one in the beginning...I've read a graphic novel by Shannon Hale and it was ok, but this was wonderful!! Dashti is a mucker-girl who is just trying to survive in this world Hale's thrust us into and fromt he very first pages we are on Dashti's side fighting for her and her decisions until the very end. This was a well developed and captivating novel to the extent that I was having a hard time coming back from Dashti's world when it was time to stop for supplies, etc. I actually listened to this one as a Playaway on the way to Star Lake this last week and was pleasantly surprised by the Full Cast reading of a novel. I dare you to read this one and see if you can figure out what's going to happen next!! Remember athletes that we have this one as a Playaway which is great for those long rides to and from games!
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