Review: Grim edited by Christine Johnson

Edited by: Christine Johnson
Authors: Ellen Hopkins, Amanda Hocking, Julia Kagawa, Claudia Gray, Rachel Hawkins, Kimberly Derting, Myra McEntire, Malinda Lo, Jackson Pearce, and more...
Release date: February 25, 2014
Published by: Harlequin Teen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

All of our favorite classic fairytales have been twisted into dark and sinister stories by our most favorite young adult authors in literature.
My thoughts: This was such a velvety sweet collection of stories twisted and turned just so. Wow, I'm not sure where to begin with these! Now as usual, not all of the stories were winners for me. Some were fantastic, some were flops, and some were just ok. My favorites had to be "Key" by Rachel Hawkins (I have no idea what tale this was a retelling of), "Figment" by Jeri Smith-Ready (which I think was a retelling of Puss in Boots), "Better" by Shaun David Hutchinson (which was a retelling of Pinocchio? I wasn't sure.), & "Light It Up" by Kimberly Derting (retelling of Hansel and Gretel)...but overall this collection was fascinating. I loved how it went from historical to futuristic, from science fiction to contemporary...the plot-lines were everywhere. That is what was so cool about these stories; you just didn't know what you were going to be reading next.
Final thoughts: Even though there are some stories which are misses for me in that they are bizarre and I just did not get them at all, there are many more that are very well done...and even some which are absolutely fantastic! I can't wait to get this one in the library!

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