Review: Blood and Snow by RaShelle Workman

Blood and Snow: The Complete Set 
Author: RaShelle Workman
Release date: February 17, 2013
Published by: All Night Reads
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Snow White is just a regular girl living next door to seven boys who are friends and neighbors until the night she is a bitten by a Hunter and learns about an unbelievable world of vampires and fairy tales.

It turns out that she is one of the marked, the potential new young body that may be perfect to host the Vampire Queen who rules all of Sharra, the magical land. Now Snow White is involved in a plot to oust the current Vampire Queen who has too much control over all the magical creatures.

I found this a very enjoyable story. I would call it a light vampire tale that is fast-paced and fun--a good summer weekend read. At first I was worried it might be silly; what with the abundance of fairy tale references, I worried it would become ridiculous, and instead it’s told with lightness and humor that makes it all work together for a great adventure with Snow White at the helm. You’ll meet Cindy, Mulan, Chace Charming, Gabriel (an angel), a fairy, an elf, a dragon, multiple vampires, a witch--holy cow! This story is ‘em all :) I’m going to overuse the following word, but it really is a fun read. You know how most of the vampire books that have come out are dark, scary--sinister really--but not this one!

I really liked the cast of characters. Snow is both naive and strong. She has a fun sense of humor, and I loved her relationship with the 7 boys next door and Professor Pop. Her search for love is a roller coaster ride, and the journey she goes on to protect herself and the magical world is enthralling. The 7 brothers brought a lot of humor to the story, and Cindy, Snow’s best friend, brought the style. I also found myself wishing the wise Professor Pop could have been one of my parents.

Anyway, if you are looking for a new type of vampire tale, one told with a little more light than dark, this is the romantic vampire/fairy tale adventure you could enjoy.

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